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  • 1-year-old girl in a pink party dress cries out for Mom and Dad. Children can develop separation anxiety as early as 4-5 months and can last to 3 years of age, if not managed properly.

    Help! My 1-Year-Old Has Developed Separation Anxiety

    As your little one grows and explores the world, they may encounter new challenges along the way. One common hurdle for parents and their 1-year-olds is separation anxiety. If your child is showing signs of distress when you leave their side, don't worry! There are a few practical strategies to help you navigate this phase with patience and understanding.

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  • 1-year-old girl sleeps in bed accompanied by her stuffed bunny. It's important to develop a healthy sleep routine for your child so they can reap the maximum health benefits.

    What Should My 1-Year-Old's Sleep Look Like?

    When it comes to your 1-year-old's sleep, establishing healthy sleep habits is crucial for their overall well-being and development. By understanding what a typical sleep pattern should look like for a one-year-old, you can ensure that your child gets the rest they need for optimal growth and learning.

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  • 1-year-old boy plays with a toy saw at a miniature, wooden work bench. Toys that emulate what children see adults doing are bound to hold their attention.

    What Types of Toys Hold a 1-Year-Old's Attention?

    Toys play a crucial role in a child's development, particularly during their early years. At the age of one, toddlers are rapidly exploring the world around them and engaging in various activities. Selecting toys that capture their attention while promoting their cognitive, physical, and sensory development is essential.

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  • Father supporting his 1-year-old daughter as she takes her first steps. It is important to support your little one as they approach this important milestone.

    Supporting Your Child as They Take Their First Steps

    As a parent, watching your child take their first steps is one of the most exciting milestones in their development. It's a moment that you'll never forget and one that you want to support your child through as much as possible.

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  • One-year-old child in a diaper sits on the floor of his home surrounded with child-safe toys. Baby proofing your home when your little one gets mobile is essential to their safety.

    Baby-Proofing the Home When Your Little One Gets Mobile

    It's an exciting time! Your baby has gone from barely lifting their head and rolling over to crawling and walking! As your child reaches the exciting milestone of becoming mobile, it's essential to ensure that your home is a safe environment for exploration and play. Baby-proofing becomes a crucial step in protecting your curious toddler from potential hazards. By taking the necessary precautions, you can create a secure space where your child can freely discover and grow.

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  • Mother gleefully lifts her 1-year-old daughter in the air while sitting outside. 1-year-olds can understand many things, including emotions and several words and phrases.

    What Can My 1-Year-Old Understand?

    One-year-olds are curious little beings who are constantly exploring their surroundings and discovering new things. They are at a stage in their lives where they are learning and absorbing information at an incredible rate. As a parent, it is natural to wonder what your one-year-old understands and how you can facilitate their learning.

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  • A one year old baby boy gives a big smile. By the end of the first year, your child will have made important strides in their language development.

    What Should My Baby's Language Look Like by the End of the 1st Year?

    It's been an exciting year with many new milestones and developments. This includes your child's language! By the end of the first year, most children will have developed some basic language skills that will set them up to really start talking in the next few years.

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  • A 1-year-old boy walks hand in hand with his father. Most children will begin walking at between 10-18 months of age. Providing opportunities for movement is important for encouraging their motor skill development.

    Encouraging Motor Skill Development in Your 1-Year-Old

    Your 1-year-old is rapidly developing in many ways, but some of their biggest milestones this year will involve their movement, more specifically the development of their motor skills. Gross motor skills are those movements that involve the whole body, such as walking, running, and jumping. Fine motor skills, on the other hand, are those small movements that involve the muscles in our hands and wrists. They involve hand-eye coordination and include activities such as using utensils, holding a crayon, and manipulating toys. As a parent, there are many things you can do to help your 1-year-old develop these important motor skills this year!

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  • 1-year-old baby lays on his stomach and plays with wooden toys and books. There are many screen-free ways to engage your child when you are busy.

    Screen-Free Ways to Engage Your Child When You're Busy

    As a parent, you may find yourself busy with work or household chores, but you still want to engage your 1-year-old in meaningful activities that do not involve screens. Involving your little one in screen-free activities not only helps to develop their cognitive, motor, and social skills but also increases their independence and creativity. But it's not always easy to find something that keeps their attention and requires only light supervision!

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  • 3-year-old girl bites into a large slice of watermelon. Creating healthy eating habits in your child early will set them up with a lifetime of good health.

    Teaching Your Toddler Healthy Eating Habits

    There's tons of information out there for parents about "good" food and "bad" foods and, frankly, it can be a bit overwhelming! With all the (sometimes conflicting) literature, advertisements for "organic" or "whole" foods, and tons of social media posts about "clean" family lifestyles, what is the modern, busy parent to do? Read on to discover a few simple tips and tricks that will help you to develop healthy eating habits in your child without overthinking!

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  • Mother sits her 1-year-old daughter in her lap and reads her a book. Even though your 1-year-old isn't able to read yet, reading to them interactively at this age is hugely beneficial to their future literacy.

    Interactive Reading with Your 1-Year-Old

    Even though it will be a few years before your child can start reading on their own, having your 1-year-old spend time with books is integral to their future literacy. By reading with your child regularly (we recommend daily) you will help them develop pre-literacy skills such as print awareness, phonemic awareness, and print motivation. Furthermore, it's fantastic for parent-child bonding and will help progress language development!

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  • 1-Year-Old boy squats down and plays with water at a sunny lake. At this age, your child will be engaging in functional play, which is an important part of their development.

    Functional Play in Your 1-Year-Old

    Functional play is an essential component of a child's development. At one year old, children are typically engaging in functional play, which involves using toys and objects for their intended purpose. Functional play is different from symbolic play, which involves using objects to represent other things, such as using a block as a phone.

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