1-year-old girl talks with her mother while sitting on her lap. Parents should start pulling back on baby talk between 18-24 months, as their child's language starts becoming more complex.

When Should You Pull Back on Baby Talk?

Baby talk, also known as infant-directed speech, is a type of communication that adults use when speaking to young children. It is characterized by a higher pitch, exaggerated intonation, and simplified vocabulary. While baby talk can be an effective way to engage with infants and promote language development, there comes a time when parents should pull back on using it with their child.

When is the Right Time to Pull Back on Baby Talk?

As children grow and develop, their language skills also evolve. Around 18 to 24 months, toddlers start to develop more complex language abilities and are able to understand and produce longer sentences. This is a critical time for language development, and parents should begin to shift away from using baby talk and start using more complex language with their child.

Using baby talk with older toddlers and preschoolers can actually hinder their language development. Studies have shown that when adults use baby talk with older children, it can impede their ability to learn and use more complex language structures. It can also give children the impression that they are not capable of understanding more advanced language, which can negatively impact their self-esteem and confidence.

Additionally, continuing to use baby talk with older children can create a communication barrier between the child and the rest of the world. As children enter school and start interacting with teachers and peers, they will need to understand and use more advanced language structures in order to succeed. If they have only been exposed to simplified language through baby talk, they may struggle to keep up with their peers and have difficulty expressing themselves effectively.

Do We Need to Stop Completely?

Of course, this doesn't mean that parents should completely stop using baby talk altogether. Infants and young toddlers still benefit from hearing high-pitched, exaggerated language because it can help them develop their language comprehension skills. However, as children get older, parents should start incorporating more complex language into their interactions. This could involve using longer sentences, introducing new vocabulary words, and asking open-ended questions that require more thoughtful responses.

It's important to note that the transition away from baby talk should be gradual and age-appropriate. Every child develops at their own pace and parents should pay attention to their child's language development and adjust their own language accordingly.