Melodee Moose
Heartfelt Family Songs
Melodee Moose
Heartfelt Family Songs
Content Summary
Meet Melodee Moose from the brilliant mind of Chris Dorman, a farmer and musician who founded Music for Sprouts. Music for Sprouts is a movement-based music program that encourages families to connect to nature and to each other. His curriculum is the musical foundation for Vermont PBS' Mister Chris And Friends, a New England Emmy Award-winning live-music series for kids age 3-8.
Join Melodee Moose in this original collection of heartfelt family songs that will immerse your darlings in the wonders of nature and the unbreakable bond of friendship ❤️
- Brand New Day (1:18)
- Fall Like Leaves (3:00)
- Listening Is Giving (2:10)
- Sweet Sunshine (2:57)
- Honey Bee (2:39)
- Our Little Hopping Friends (2:21)
- Flutterfly (3:37)
- Underwater Jubilee (2:54)
- I Can Hear Your Sound (2:29)
- Always There (3:26)
- Wandering Wanda (3:32)
- Little Buggie Boogie Woogie (2:34)
Credits & Copyright
Writing: Chris Dorman, Emma Cook
Recording and Mixing: Caleb Bronz, Alex Hug, Glenn Brown, Jared Slomoff Mastering: Joe Egan
Voice Acting: Chris Dorman, Elisabeth Pixley-Fink, Violet Mercieca, Sammy Dorman, Henry Dorman
Learn more about Music For Sprouts:
About Crafties
Storypod Crafties are tested and appropriate for children of all ages. However, adult supervision is advised for all children under 3 years of age.